Amazing points!! This newsletter is something to reflect on, so appreciate the clarity and breakdown
Catherine is the least protected of the royals and is this silence that makes her a huge target. And before pp start with the "silence is the best weapon, etc" no, it is not at least in certain cases. Years ago Victoria and Daniel released a statement saying the rumors of their divorce were fake. As it turns out Estelle, their daughter, had read it on a magazine and asked them if it was true. So V&D fought back. KP should defend C more but why haven't they done it for decades is :/
As for Chanel, it was Coco Chanel the woman, who was an antisemitist but the brand had heavy investements by the Wertheimer family, before and after the war. They were/are Jewish and Chanel, the company, has donated millions to Israel after the war. So C choosing a Chanel bag was a subtle was of showing support to Jews + add the pearl necklace sourced from a Jewish company
Jane, you are so right. I assume that the people who buy into these conspiracy theories and spread them, must have very little lives with very little going on in them!
I think it's time for the BRF to be able to comment on some of the more egregious stories that are written about them. Catherine does NOT need to speak on what type of cancer she had, but a small comment on the horrendous gossip that went on last year could be huge & maybe, just maybe, let pp know she was aware of it all, it was distressing to her, William & the children, & that pp should think before writing.
I support the Princess of Wales's decision not to identify her clothes. Let fashion journalists do their jobs -- in other words, do the research -- if they want to publish those details. The line between celebrity and royalty needs to be re-drawn.
No. We don't. Royalty is an anachronism. Declaring themselves above the rest of us mere mortals, simply because somebody’s great great great great grandfather lopped off another chump’s head and the lopper declared himself owner of everything in the land. Crown me, vassal. Their wonderful public appearances, and their tragedies and triumphs notwithstanding, royalty today is just a big drain on the public purse and, generally, a complete waste of space.
I would love to hear how Charles is rewearing a coat he's had for 40 years. I think that information would be amazing for sustainability and that he is, quite possibly, just like us. If they could tell us the original price and how much spent on refurbishing it over the years- could you imagine??
With a targets like the Trumps, in the world, that anyone would waste two seconds picking on Catherine is utterly beyond me! Please throw your pen at somebody who deserves it!
She is a genuine, kind, caring person. Like many others in the public eye, when they don’t respond, acknowledge…seems to get worse. Agree with every word you posted.
Thank you for this!!!!! It has needed to be said for far too long and will, none the less, need to be repeated again..... and again.
An old saying.... if you can't say something nice, say nothing at all, should be emblazened across those that are quick to criticize....
Amazing points!! This newsletter is something to reflect on, so appreciate the clarity and breakdown
Catherine is the least protected of the royals and is this silence that makes her a huge target. And before pp start with the "silence is the best weapon, etc" no, it is not at least in certain cases. Years ago Victoria and Daniel released a statement saying the rumors of their divorce were fake. As it turns out Estelle, their daughter, had read it on a magazine and asked them if it was true. So V&D fought back. KP should defend C more but why haven't they done it for decades is :/
As for Chanel, it was Coco Chanel the woman, who was an antisemitist but the brand had heavy investements by the Wertheimer family, before and after the war. They were/are Jewish and Chanel, the company, has donated millions to Israel after the war. So C choosing a Chanel bag was a subtle was of showing support to Jews + add the pearl necklace sourced from a Jewish company
Jane, you are so right. I assume that the people who buy into these conspiracy theories and spread them, must have very little lives with very little going on in them!
I think it's time for the BRF to be able to comment on some of the more egregious stories that are written about them. Catherine does NOT need to speak on what type of cancer she had, but a small comment on the horrendous gossip that went on last year could be huge & maybe, just maybe, let pp know she was aware of it all, it was distressing to her, William & the children, & that pp should think before writing.
I support the Princess of Wales's decision not to identify her clothes. Let fashion journalists do their jobs -- in other words, do the research -- if they want to publish those details. The line between celebrity and royalty needs to be re-drawn.
No. We don't. Royalty is an anachronism. Declaring themselves above the rest of us mere mortals, simply because somebody’s great great great great grandfather lopped off another chump’s head and the lopper declared himself owner of everything in the land. Crown me, vassal. Their wonderful public appearances, and their tragedies and triumphs notwithstanding, royalty today is just a big drain on the public purse and, generally, a complete waste of space.
I would love to hear how Charles is rewearing a coat he's had for 40 years. I think that information would be amazing for sustainability and that he is, quite possibly, just like us. If they could tell us the original price and how much spent on refurbishing it over the years- could you imagine??
With a targets like the Trumps, in the world, that anyone would waste two seconds picking on Catherine is utterly beyond me! Please throw your pen at somebody who deserves it!
Bravo! Well said!
Thank you for this.
She is a genuine, kind, caring person. Like many others in the public eye, when they don’t respond, acknowledge…seems to get worse. Agree with every word you posted.